This catalog has been published to assist you in choosing the correct valve for a vast number of piping conditions. The Aloyco product line makes available to you a very broad choice of valves. These valves are described in this catalog.
Care should be taken to select the most suitable valves for your service(s). Exact specification of each valve should be made to avoid possible ambiguity. When requesting quotations and/or ordering the product a fully adequate description should be made.
Selecting the Valve Size
Nominal size of the pipeline into which the valve will be placed must be determined.
Valve Material
The following facts should be considered in determining the correct valve material:
·the medium or media which will be controlled
·the temperature range of the line medium (media)
·the pressure range to which the valve will be subjected
·possible atmospheric conditions which may affect the valve
·possible extraordinary stresses to which the valve will be subjected
·safety standards and/or piping codes which must be met
Type of Valve
What is the control function of the valve? Each valve configuration has been developed to perform certain control functions. Do not expect one type of valve to perform all the valving jobs in a system.
Pressure-Temperature Ratings
Please pay careful attention that the pressure-temperature ratings of a particular valve are in keeping with the requirements of the service. Pay especially careful attention to the packing and gasket materials as this may limit the rating as is the case with PTFE used as the standard in Aloyco valves. Specify alternative packing and/or gasket materials as necessary to meet or exceed your service requirements.